Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My dad has been regularly traveling to China and Vietnam for work. He sent this picture of some ducks he saw while out walking around... It's, of course, novel for us. (Notice the ducks in the front seat too!) It reminds me of how culturally-centric we are...and I mean that even in terms of my own culture shock in coming here. The dress code, the fact that I can't get a medium burger (only well done), the one way streets... it is always an adjustment going someplace new. Recognizing our own cultural expectations (even down to the burger) helps us to grow and incorporate new stuff... pretty cool really.

1 comment:

  1. the hardest thing for me in asia was always hot tea/recently boiled water at most restaurants. it's a small but difficult change for many Arizonans who usually require a veritable glacier in glass cup of water. now, though, i am not only unable to really drink anything hot until it cools down quite a bit (tracy laughs at me for this), but i also find it difficult to drink reaalllly cold drinks.
