Wednesday, July 28, 2010


People don't honk their horns much here.

It's really nice.

Since I've been here, I think I've heard the horn being honked maybe 5 times. One of them was me honking... I mean, the person did something really dumb and pulled out in front of me.

The other was my being honked at... I was in line at the McDonald's drive thru. It's a bit awkward because you pull in off a one way street and then have to quick angle around. So, I was in line, but kind of at an angle. The car in front of me pulled up; I started to go. This other person, who was coming from the other direction, but was there after me, honks at me. Some gesticulating got us to "I was here first" and the other guy indicating that he didn't care and to go around. Whatever. He was pulling up, and I didn't have another option. I backed up and started to go around. When I got to the other side, I noticed there was another drive thru on the other side! So, if you come in from one direction, you go to one drive thru, but if you come in the other side, you use the other. They are on completely opposite sides of the building. It's crazy. How would you know that??? In the end, I was kind of happy that the guy honked at me... otherwise, I might never have known. Plus, even though I used the other drive thru, I still finished before him. HA!


  1. Kyle just directed me to your blog. Wow, you have been writing a lot! Because of the rain? or because of the Alaska's difference from AZ? Well, we just enjoyed our first heavy rain this summer ( last only about 15-20 minutes ). :) Say hi to John!


  2. HELLO!!!

    How's my Issybee? How are you and Jue? There are a LOT of earthquakes up here! Maybe you could all visit for school ;) I've mostly been writing to keep up with all the people at home and because I haven't gone back to work yet. Alaska is very, very different from AZ, though. Hope you are well.
