Monday, September 20, 2010

Campbell Creek Science Center

Last Tuesday we went to the Campbell Creek Science Center on a field trip. Here are a couple pictures from around the creek and my kids (but only with utterly obscured faces...sorry).


  1. There were 3 stations--
    1. The ones on the left are pictures of the water bug station. The kids got to pull a cup of water out of the creek. They put the water in a pan and then dug out the bugs. (Some of them created little 'twigs' to hide in.)

    2. The pictures on the right were part of a watershed and water cycle station. In this case, they threw a box like a die and then decided what their path was as water.

    3. The last station was the build-a-bug station. At that station the kids got to create an insect keeping in mind the adaptations needed for it to eat and move and avoid predators.

    Very cool.
