Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Winter Produce

Squash? Potatoes? $6 Avocados? The produce in Alaska in winter is supposedly quite limited. You can get winter produce like squash and potatoes or you can buy expensive imported produce.

A fellow clerk and his girlfriend decided to order a produce box (every other week from Arctic Organics) locally. However, Mary and Kevin said the winter options make the $41/week box not that appealing. Mary and Kevin have decided to get a produce box from Full Circle Farms. We are fairly certain we will also order one from there... we're hoping we can convince the other clerks to switch over with us and share a bigger box. Full Circle Farms let us switch out the yucky stuff for better stuff.

I'm excited to try it! Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. the difficulty and carbon footprint of importing produce to alaska made me think of this documentary that i've been very slow in getting around to watching (been in my netflix instant queue for a looong time)...

