Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hooray for BOOKS!!

Our books arrived today! I can't believe how quickly they were delivered :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you Mom and Kerry, Jim and Deb!!!

Airyan, our administrative assistant, brought the books in while the kids were at art class. I waited to open the box until the kids had come back and I had them working on a journal entry. Then, I casually started unboxing them-- and I hear all these whispers-- "psst, books"; "oh my gosh, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, awesome"; "Do you think they're for us?" I just kept unwrapping them and reminding the students to get back to work ;)

In a bit, I called the students over and explained about how much strangers cared about them and how the strangers knew that the kids loved books and reading and that the strangers got them books. The kids were jumping up and down on the floor. I let kids who were doing a great job reach into the box and pull out a book, then I'd preview the books with the kids. They were utterly giddy about the books.

They are thrilled! Thank you.


  1. I'm surprised Lindsey's kids are even literate!

  2. ...seriously cool though. I agree, three-cheers for Mom and Kerry, Jim and Deb!!
