Saturday, September 25, 2010


Among Alaska's Supreme Court clerks, there are many Michigan fans. (2 people who attended as undergrads and 3 who attended for law school... including people's 'others') At any rate, Michigan's hockey team is playing at University of Alaska at Fairbanks in early November. The following video has inspired this clan to plan a drive up to Fairbanks for a hockey game. I'm not sure about the game, but the video's pretty awesome.


  1. You're right...the video is awesome. Almost worth driving to Fairbanks to see super-sized.

  2. i think the 45 second mark tells us the real story of how the titanic sank.

    so sad that they didn't see the giant polar bear with a hockey stick coming. so sad.

  3. I think we really are going up to Fairbanks to watch a HOCKEY game!! So silly.
