Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Drew Barrymore's new film, Everybody Loves Whales is being filmed here in Alaska. We've seen the signs for filming just outside of our neighborhood. Kinda crazy!

1 comment:

  1. any talk of whales immediately makes me think of this story from this last week's wait, wait don't tell me's bluff the listener game. this one turned out to be the real story:

    Mr. LUKE BURBANK: All Maya George wanted this summer was a little rest and relaxation. So the 28 year old and her friends did what many Serbian folks do, they headed for the beach. George figured she'd catch some rays, read a book, maybe take a dip. Here's what happened: George was frolicking off the coast of Montenegro when a diver confused her for something, how do you say, free willyish... and tried to harpoon her. She was treated for her injuries, but when she emerged from the hospital she saw this headline in the Croation Times: Roly Poly Holiday Maker Swears She'll Go on a Diet.

    On the upside George says she did catch up on her sleep, just in a morphine-induced hazy sort of way, and she made friends with her fellow hospital patients. Real friends, the kind who would yell: Hey, look out, that guy is about to harpoon you with a speargun.

    SAGAL: A woman mistaken for a whale on the beach in Montenegro, and suffering the indignities thereafter.

    full transcript here:
