Tuesday, September 14, 2010

People Pets

Apparently People Magazine has a pets division...

and Kyle and Tracy's dog, Taro is featured there in their cutest pets of the week section.

Taro was on the cover when I opened it (with a football in his mouth), but is photo #10 in the slideshow.


  1. there are multiple slideshows. this link is the best... http://www.peoplepets.com/photos/cute/this-week-s-cutest-twitter-pics-sporty-pups-stretching-cats-and-more/1

    then go to photo 10.

  2. also, not everyone knows this but taro has a blog.

    it's http://tar0shiba.tumblr.com/

    you can laugh at the idea of a dog with a blog. but that blog also won us a free roundtrip ticket for human + dog to anywhere southwest flies, plus a carrier. so, yeah, it's worth it.
