Saturday, September 4, 2010

Trickles Trump Talkeetna

Last night, John and I drove up to Talkeetna.

Mina and Dodd had been up in Denali--They took the train up there from Anchorage--and took the Park Connection bus to Talkeetna. They had the day to explore Talkeetna, which didn't take a day to explore ;0

We met up there around 9:15pm. We had dinner at Latitude 62 Cafe, which sounds glamorous, but looked more like an Alaskan version of a country western bar. John and I had soup.

We all turned in for the night at Denali Fireside Cabins and Suites. The picture shows our cabin... it was very nice, though the beds weren't at all comfortable.

We had breakfast at the historic Talkeetna Roadhouse. It was family style dining, which means you sit at any table with available chairs. The first people at our table were very nice, but then the next people (because you're all at different stages of ordering and eating) were super yuppies and irritating in that setting. The food was tasty and it was definitely different. (As a side story, I'd originally booked us into their cabins... BEFORE I realized that there weren't bathrooms in the cabins... one had an outhouse and the other you had to go outside to get to the bathroom. Um... no.)

Anyway, then we headed back to Anchorage. We'd originally wanted to go to the State Fair, but it was raining.

We had a barbecue and bonfire with John's old coworkers in Palmer at 3pm. So we headed back there and had a lovely time, besides getting very wet and then heading home.

A nice time all together. Tomorrow is John's parent's last day here in Alaska, so hopefully it will stop raining.


  1. Mom here. For some reason my phone logs on as Kerry. Anyway, the bathroom story is funny...well, probably not for YOU - in the rain - but funny odd. We just take indoor plumbing for granted! I wonder if late Aug/early Sept is normally this rainy or if it's just an odd year. Hmmm.

  2. I think September is normally rainy, but the whole summer isn't!

  3. looks like those old cabins dad took us to when i was in middle school. like greer or mormon lake or some other arizonan locale i look forward to never going to again...

  4. The Greer one was fun. Don't you remember catching all the fish in the little creek right next to the "catch and release" lake... so we got to keep them? The Greer place had the giant cabin. Mormon Lake was the super shabby one that you could see the ground from inside. Plus, you and Dad snored so loud that time that I couldn't sleep. Anyway, the town was much SMALLER than Greer--though maybe the same size of Mormon Lake. But our cabin was really nice--flat screen TV and everything.

  5. Next time you go to Talkeetna, you should go to the Talkeetna Brewing Company (I think that is the name, maybe it is Denali Brewing Company). Its a little place on the main drag, and you can get a taster of yummy beers for a good price. You can get growlers there too!
