Sunday, September 12, 2010

Inflation and the Health Department

Coming home from work today (I know, lame to work on Sunday), I saw a lemonade stand right at our street corner. I, of course, pulled over. An excited child told me that I was their last customer because it was their last cup. Okay.

I'm waiting for my shockingly pink lemonade to be poured when, apparently, the child noticed something floating in my glass... Being an innovative child, she sticks her finger in the glass, digs out the offending object, and wipes her finger on the table. Crisis abated--for her!

I asked how much the lemonade cost (probably should have asked first, but I thought, "how much could a cup of lemonade be?"). The one girl (not the finger girl) said 50 cents, which is what I'd expected. The little boy shouts out "no, $1," then contradicts himself with 50 cents. Meanwhile, finger-girl caught wind of this opportunity to make some money... she shouts out "2 dollars, it's 2 dollars". Anyway, after some finagling we agreed on 50 cents (I know about inflation, but have never heard of 30 second inflation) and I gave them a dollar.

As I accepted my glass I noticed NO LESS than 6 fingerprints on the glass--none of which were mine. I was just thinking that perhaps child run lemonade stands should be under health department control, when I looked back (truly 2 houses down from us) to see the finger-girl drinking out of the pitcher before handing it off to the (previously) reasonable girl to do the same!!! YUCK! Needless to say, I threw out the lemonade... but I did consider returning the cup, so they could serve just 1 more customer ;)

1 comment:

  1. yeah, in portland, they closed down a little girl's lemonade stand for health reasons/not paying a temporary business fee ($120). there was an outcry and eventually the lemonade stand was reopened.
