Sunday, September 26, 2010

Glorified Rain

--We are having our first SNOW!

It's not even showing up in the forecast as snow; but, it's obviously colder high in the clouds than the 37 degrees at ground level.

It is chilly. The snow is pretty and falling in little white flakes-- just glorified rain as it melts as soon as it touches anything. Crazy!!

Here's the snowy picture Dad took ... not glamorous (all squinty) and not really showing the snow either. How apt... we just finished breakfast at Snow City Cafe ;)


  1. when is it common to have first snow that sticks?

    and when can we see video of hayden playing in the snow?

  2. Hope that you have a wonderful birthday Lindsey!

  3. First snow sticks maybe around late October or November.

    Hayden will play shortly after.

    I did have a nice birthday!
