Wednesday, June 30, 2010

62 degrees and a Tank Top

You will not believe it. It's 62 degrees in Anchorage today... okay, that part you should believe... but, I'm wearing a tank top!! It feels so nice :) It's breezy and brisk, but in the sun a tank top is just right.

People here are saying they wish they could have more warmth... that it's not summer without heat. Ha! I say... I'm not missing 110 degrees one bit. (There's lots I do miss, but the temperature is not one of them.)

John says I'll understand the lure of heat when it gets to December. Hmmm, probably true... but for now, I'm loving the weather.


  1. I remember Marilee coming to Arizona to visit from Washington and saying it was nice to get "warm all the way through." Maybe it's that kind of warmth they're talking about. I guess it's something you'll learn about as the year progresses. There's nothing like the warm sun and a cool breeze, though. Can't wait to be there to find out for myself!

  2. Yay! Can't wait for you to visit!

  3. Warm all the way through--that's what happens in AZ during September or October. Cooked well done is what happens in the summer months; give me 62 during the 'hot' season any day.

    I really need to get out of this state and move to a place with politics that make sense and better weather. I am honestly beginning to think that Jan Brewer, Barry Wong, Joe Arpaio and Russell Pearce are conspiring with the weather to encourage me to leave.

  4. Ahh, perhaps, or maybe they're conspiring to have you visit your sister! It's cool and beautiful up here... you would like it... at least for a short time.
