Monday, June 28, 2010

Anchorage and the Movies

My brother asked about movies in Anchorage. In particular, he asked about availability and "how old are they before they come out there".

To begin with, I'd like to be offended on Anchorage's behalf... thinking it's a backwards town that doesn't get movies on time!! I'd like to be offended; unfortunately, I thought the exact same thing. (I had flashbacks to Cottonwood and my grandparents not being able to see movies until 2 months after they came out-- not that they saw movies!)

Fortunately, the films are current and the movie theaters (at least the one I've been to) is updated. We saw "Grown Ups" on Friday night and "Toy Story 3" in IMAX 3D yesterday. These were at the Regal Cinemas Tikahtnu... the best was at the IMAX during the pre-show when the screen claimed to be the largest AT THE TIKAHTNU... that's right, the largest screen at that theater!!-- quite a claim ;) The films are pricey ($9.75/ticket), but you can get 2 tickets for $15 at COSTCO. There are 6 theaters in Anchorage.

There is also a theater/restaurant. It's called the Bear's Tooth TheatrePub. They have movies that are a bit older, but they also have independent films (Greenberg, 180 Degrees South, Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, and Best Worst Movie). You can check out the films at their website. These films are $3 each. I haven't been to a movie there, but the food's good. John and I had pizza from there last night.

John described Anchorage as a cross between Portland and Flagstaff. I think that's probably a pretty accurate description. Population-wise it's about 280,000... a little under twice the size of Tempe and a little more than 5 times the size of Flagstaff.


  1. my response:

    a)nice that they come out on time; even tucson could be a little slow on non-blockbuster-type films.

    b)Bear's Tooth sounds awesome.

    c)Costco for the win. They can be so awesome.

    d)How was Toy Story 3 in 3D IMAX glory? Is it a real IMAX screen or that weird IMAX screen that's basically the Cine Capri.

    e)Alaska points. now.

  2. I don't know the difference between the real IMAX and the weird IMAX screen. I think it's the latter. Toy Story 3 was totally worth seeing in 3D... I didn't think it would be. Mom was completely right, though-- you feel like you're among the toys.

    No more being demanding ;)

  3. Hi Lindsey
    Love reading your daily blogs. I just figured out how to comment. I'm going after the golden tickets! Tell John Hi.

  4. Ok hang been to anchorage before I am also offended that anyone would think a backward place to live. The fact that there aren't too many people there is exactly the point. Just like Wyoming.

  5. To clarify to dad who has missed the point:

    no one has really assumed it's backwards (we realize there is a difference between Wasilla, which is truly backwards, and Anchorage). I asked a question regarding the availability of services, which is not tantamount to an accusation or assumption of "backwards-ness." Rather, it's a question about the possible demand and delivery of services for a population of about 300,000 ppl, with the underlying assumption that a market of that size would not command instant access to items we might easily access in comparable cities of size in the continental U.S.

    The movie question is of interest to me because we have limited distribution of independent films in the lower 48, and extremely slow distribution of some films to certain cities (including Tucson when I was there and various towns and cities in northern Arizona). I've lived in China where we've had to wait 6 months to a year for Pixar releases, which is infuriating. Gaging where Anchorage is on this spectrum is hardly an accusation of being backwards.

    OK, lunch break over. (By the way, Lindsey, disputes in comment sections lets you know that your site has arrived).

  6. Kyle - You're not just trying to get Alaska points, are you?

  7. Mom - your significantly shorter comment (featuring an off-topic question, no less) lends credence to the notion that it is you, not i, who seeks Alaska Points. so there.

  8. You little sh**. How many points is that?

  9. I award thee 10 Seattle points. (I'm not sure what the conversion rate is between Alaska and Seattle points though...) -Amelia

  10. You know I was kidding, right Kyle? We'll have to take this off-blog.

  11. Mom - yeah, got that. However, I am offended on behalf of the people of Alaska that you would make jokes on a blog about living in Alaska.

  12. Kyle, you are a point whore. I LOVE IT!

  13. Justt checking in I liked the part about your team teachers and about the outdoes. Love dad
