Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dinner with a View of 7 Glaciers

So, as I mentioned, we went out for dinner on my first night in Alaska. We went to the Alyeska resort. There, we took the tram to the 7 Glaciers restaurant. To start, we split a cheese plate... my favorite was the goat cheese cheesecake-- yummy! Then, John had the beef tenderloin, and I had the crab. They were both delicious. We then split the Baked Alyeska. I've never had a "Baked Alaska"-- but, if it's half as good, I'll be having it at some point.


  1. The view looks awesome! I get excited just reading about it. I'm glad you and John are having fun:)

  2. but the real question about this post has not been answered.

    was the tram ride significantly less awkward than ours back in 2005 with you, john, dad, margo & i?

    i submit that it probably was not.

  3. It was significantly less awkward... it was much, much larger. We had a place to stand without touching anyone else!! :)
