Sunday, June 27, 2010



So, I know many of you have been *desperately* (okay, maybe not desperately) trying to post comments. I also know that some people have been having difficulty with doing so. I'm sorry. I changed the setting to allow you to choose anonymous or (preferably) to write in your name. In the drop down menu, you can select your user name (if you're on gmail or twitter or...) or anonymous :( or name/URL :).

Get your Alaska Points while they're fresh!!!


  1. Yea - I think I was able to post a comment

  2. Ha! I can post now. :)

  3. I'll try again - cuz I really want points! mom

  4. You may only get Anonymous from me, cuz even when I add my google account info it doesn't seem to like me. It's embarrassing to be the IT person at the office and not be able to post to a blog!!

  5. Maybe it's not ME after all...just posted from the google account and it worked just fine. Maybe it's a blog thing!

    For anyone trying to post, I suggest that they keep trying! (It just seemed to take some time for the blog to know I was logged in)

  6. Well, this counts for 10 points a piece!! :)
