Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Best Shoes Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most of you probably know that my feet are constantly at odds with shoes. I often wonder, "Why do shoes hate me?"

When I came up here, I wore flip flops (good plane shoes). In the frenzy to leave, I forgot about other shoes. When I got into my bag, I found I had tennis shoes (good, but not for going somewhere nice) and winter boots. Hmmmm... not great options. So, I went to Fred Meyer (yes, there are other options; I was there shopping). I found some Keds (leather, so no repeat of the canvas shoe fiasco of 2003). I also found some sandals. I tried on a few: Tevas, Nevados, etc.

I chose Nevados-- and they are awesome. I got the "Focus Sandal". They are squishy and supportive. They have a soft layer that hits your foot on the inside of the suedey part. I love slipping them on to go out to the garbage; but, I can also go jogging in them. The only bad thing is that they're a little too big... I got 8's, but probably needed 7's. They only have full sizes and, at least these, were a little big.

They also have hiking boots; so, I'm totally going to avail myself of those too :)

Sorry to be a walking ad (he he--walking), but they're so great!


  1. Hey I just read my email I just added your page to my favorites, find me on facebook please. I miss you.

  2. I miss you too :) I hope you, Sophia, and Aaron are well!

  3. Interesting about the shoes. I am also always on the look out for comfy shoes that can withstand 10-14 hours of standing on a hard floor. Keep me posted as you where them maybe I'll have to try some. Who knows maybe they make high heels too? Your Dad and I are going fishing in Greer this weekend we'll be sure to think of you up their with all the Salmon. Happy 4th
    Love you

  4. I've been running in them and everything... haven't seen heels yet, but they've been great!! I hope you two have a wonderful time in Greer. Where are you staying? Love.

  5. I have the worst feet ever so I'm happy to know there our comfy shoes out there...I should look into getting some of those. I love reading your Blog and hearing what is going on there. You are keeping everyone so well informed, even down to drawing the apt. You know I'm old and don't savvy all this Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Etc. but I'm trying to learn.

  6. My feet don't agree with shoes either--may give these a try. Through fall/winter i love danskos (slip on/off, thick sole for warmth, and very walkable--not joggable though), but always have problems in summer.

    I'm enjoying your blog--think it is a great idea. Are you looking forward to the 4th weekend? :) I miss you.

  7. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    I couldn't remember what those winter shoes were called and wanted to check into them.

    The 4th will be nice... but no big plans on our end... you guys? I miss you too!!

  8. After this post on great shoes, I full expect to take Tracy shopping for shoes this weekend. (She needs a nice black pair of sandals anyway.) So... say you're welcome to Tracy just in case she forgets to thank you.

    No plans for the fourth and no intention to make plans other than reflecting on pictures like these: I'm thinking of celebrating Canada Day (today, July 1) instead. You should celebrate Canada Day too, since you can see them from your house.

  9. You're welcome.

    Picture sadness :(

    I can see Arizona from my house too ;)

  10. Judging from this post and the comments, I'm convinced that you have great potential to be a PR writer for great products like Navedo out there. (consider submitting your review to them, anybody with a brain would quote it)It may be a good recreational job...Renowned blogger Lindsey F. (P. soon?)...send your sample products to her!!

  11. oh, thank you re K.'s response. (I did forget...not an intentional stretch to get more points...:) )

  12. Tracy, you are a brat... you know why. Any nieces or nephews for me?

    On a nice note :)becoming a product writer would be AWESOME... don't know how you get into that line of work ;)
