Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm sorry to do this, but...

Kyle posted the link to this article under one of the comments. This is... (restraining my gag reflex) regarding smoked salmon vodka. I think that sounds UTTERLY disgusting... and I like vodka!! Anyway, Kyle thinks I should try it. I don't. Votes???? Will I be brave and fearless or ill?

Are You Ready For Smoked Salmon Vodka?


Because there is apparently a lack of meat-flavored vodkas in the world, a distillery in Alaska has recently unleashed a version of the distilled spirit infused with the unmistakable taste of smoked salmon.

"I was trying to think of something Alaskan. What's more Alaskan than smoked salmon? It was one of those epiphanies, I suppose," one of the partners at Alaska Distillery says by way of an explanation.

He says it took the vodka makers 48 tries to come up with just the right blend of vodka and fish, and it wasn't always a pleasant process: "Definitely the first few times we had our heave bucket close by... It was pretty bad, and you know, greasy."

To make their fishy vodka, they smoke the fish using a secret process. Then they remove the skins and grind up the meat before mixing it with highly concentrated ethanol. This process produces a fluid that contains, "the flavor, rich color and essence of the salmon."

Take it from here, vodka dude:

From there, we strain it out, and we take the fluid, which now is very concentrated smoked salmon essence, and we add that to our vodka. We do a cold infusion process, we filter it a couple more times, and out the door it goes.

And the vodka has been going out the door. The first shipment, to Texas, was sent on June 16. California drinkers in need for salmon-flavored vodka will soon be able to get their fix and the distillery is going through the process of getting the vodka into Washington state.

Meanwhile, it's found a spot behind the bar and in the kitchen at the Bear Tooth Grill in Anchorage, where the bartender uses it to make Bloody Marys and the chefs use it for a cream sauce served over salmon and pasta.

"In Alaska, we eat a lot of salmon, it's part of our diet," said the bartender. "Either you eat the piece or you drink it. One's going to give you a buzz, one's going to fill your belly."

Yes, but can you deodorize your clothes with it?


  1. GAG...Nooooooooo!!! Let someone like Andrew Zimmern drink it. Salmon is for eating, vodka is for drinking - and never the two should meet!

  2. While I would try it because trying crazy foods/drinks is fun and it can provide great stories for parties/casual conversation, I still believe this is the second worst thing to come out of Wasilla.

  3. I can't imagine drinking this...it sounds disgusting. I'll drink vodka (most flavors), but since I hate salmon I don't think I would even try this. Sounds like you are enjoying Alaska, I've been 3 times and it is one of my favorite places to go.

  4. Kyle, what was the first worst thing?

    Hello Wanda-- what was your favorite thing to do in Alaska?

  5. Kyle, scratch that-- I KNOW what the worst thing was ;)

  6. Well, I was always on a cruise and I loved going to the various ports.
