Thursday, June 24, 2010


FROM 6/24/10 AT 9:42 AM

Well, so far I'd seen seagulls and Canadian geese... then I started seeing this really pretty bird. It was quite big, had a black head, white wings, and some shiny blue too. This was the first bird that I didn't recognize AT ALL.

This morning, the bird started hanging around in our pine tree. So, I did some hunting (figuratively, of course) and figured out it was a magpie. My camera isn't uploading right now... so, this picture is one I found online of a magpie in Anchorage.

Updated July 13, 2010:

I've added pictures... this was the day I saw a magpie right outside our window. Actually, Nelson discovered it first and was quite fascinated. Nelson didn't seem to realize that the magpie was as big as he is!


  1. My dad emailed me... apparently there are also magpies in Wyoming (this is where our family homestead is). According to dad, they are scavengers.

  2. so, is Nelson allowed to go chase it and bring it back home?
