Monday, October 11, 2010

Apartment Pics

We had to take some apartment pictures for the listing of our house. I thought you all might like to see some of where we live :)


  1. nice pics. i miss having a brick fireplace to bounce racquetballs off the wall for taro.

  2. I tried really hard, but can't resist...
    Where's the clutter? You two still live there, right?
    Actually, you should compare the pics YOU had to review when you were looking online to these. You've DEFINITELY improved the place - it looks great!

  3. Don't worry, Mom... we just shoved the clutter to the side ;)

    We're having our first viewing tomorrow... so I'm going to have to make space under the bed ;)

  4. I really like your shower curtain! So cute! And I am totally jealous of your fireplace!
