Monday, October 4, 2010

Drew Barrymore

Yesterday John and I ate breakfast at Spenard Roadhouse. Toward the end of the meal, John noticed that Drew Barrymore was at the hostess stand. I couldn't see her, because she was behind a friend with really large hair. In a moment though, I was able to see her too. She is really small!... not just thin, but tiny. Anyway, we left her alone, aside from the occasional peek. She was still eating with 2 friends when we left. We didn't take her picture, but this is the picture online that was closest to what she looked like. She had on a Mexican parka and she had 7" roots... aside from that she looked just like what we pictured.

In answer to your question, this is an example of what I called a "Mexican parka"... probably more accurately a hoodie. It's a classic home-from-Rocky-Point gift.


  1. name which Drew Barrymore film the picture above is from...
    {answer below}

    {50 first dates}

  2. What is a Mexican parka?

  3. I thought that was what the picture was from, but wasn't positive.
