Saturday, October 16, 2010

Updates--Mama Mia and Postcards

Mama Mia was a blast. The singing (and acting) wasn't as good as the Vegas performance, but the choreography was better. And the audience was *CRAZY*... must have been a lot of original ABBA fans reliving their youth... women doing the wave and wearing VERY short skirts and singing and clapping. It was fun to see people enjoying themselves :)

The performance did make me sad remembering hanging out with my own friends (and signing Fernando with Erin--even though it's not part of the show) and with my mom. Amanda, whose mom recently moved to Texas, and I both blubbered through "Slipping through my Fingers"... ugh... don't listen to it! Other than that, we really did enjoy ourselves.


Postcards-- If you emailed me your address, I sent your postcard early this week. But, I don't think anyone's received them yet. Let me know if yours arrived. URgggH!


  1. Mom saw both ours and Kyle/Tracy's - did you send one to HER? If not, you can send to our address if you want.

  2. i got a postcard.

    abba is one of those things i'll just never understand. among that lengthy list of things: why is hotel california so popular?

  3. to be clear (and because i forgot to put it in my last comment): the postcard is fantastic. thanks for sending it.
