Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scared Scriptless Preview Night

Last night John and I went to see Scared Scriptless. They asked John to come see them in action (although we'd seen them once before--my very first weekend in Alaska), and they provided us the tickets to do so. This was their HA HA Halloween Part 2 act. It was very funny. First, they all dressed up in costumes... including 2 teletubbys (of which I refused to believe one was named Dipsy--John was right), the Artist (formerly known as Prince), a ref, a general... you get the idea. There were a couple games I hadn't seen previously that were all really fun.

1. Bobbing for Oxygen-- they come up with a scenario (in this case the security line at an airport) and 2 people interact while the 3rd person bobs for an apple. In theory, the apple bobber isn't supposed to come up for air until they have an apple... There would have been dead bodies. (And these were seriously committed--head under water--bobbers... it was particularly funny because it was a clear plastic container--so you could see them.) Once they had retrieved an apple, then they joined the other 2 and 1 of then headed down to bob for apples... so, the original bobber continued the scene dripping wet. Very funny.

2. Objection-- one random person steps forward and begins talking about a pre-chosen subject (in this case political ads)... whenever anyone wants to jump in, they yell "objection" and then give an objection. There are 3 audience judges... if they give mostly thumbs up (good objection), then the objector jumps in and begins their soliloquy on the subject, while the original speaker sits down. If they give mostly thumbs down (lame objection), then the objector steps back and the original speaker continues. For example, someone began "Christine O'Donnell of Delaware literally got on TV..." and someone else objected with, "Objection-- How do you figuratively go on TV?" It's very fast and very funny.

I'm so excited that John was chosen. I think it will be lots of fun to see him up there... and I think he'll really enjoy it :)


  1. I think John's quick wit and sense of humor will lend itself well to that type of comedy - and, alternately, how BRAVE of him!! Braver than facing a moose to get his photo is facing an audience!! What a great challenge!

  2. I think so! Especially since 7 people tried out and only 1 could be chosen... I would have turned the other way... as I think I did that time I begged you to take me to try out for Little Women ;)

  3. oh my goodness. i want to play objection right now!

  4. Talk about scary - You HAVE to check out this website - spiders everywhere (and oh so many to eat!!):
