Saturday, October 2, 2010


This weekend was just a touch sad. It's Tempe's Oktoberfest... and, as almost all of you know, I "live" in the Polka Bridge Tent on the first Friday night of October. And so do most of you as the most trusted and awesome helpers in all of the valley. However, of all the years to miss, I'm thinking that current super hot temperatures make THIS the year to miss.

There are options for Oktoberfest here in Anchorage... some of which sound cool and some of which sound terrible. For instance, cool = Alyeska; terrible = Egan Center ($15 for the privilege of buying food and drink). We didn't attend any, though last week's Oktoberfest at Alyeska sounded awesome, as did the Humpy's (a reference to pink salmon) event. Still not home though and the Anchorage Oktoberfest mugs are CREEPY!! :(


  1. You're right...of ALL years to miss,this was it. It was still 85 degrees at midnight last night - and NOT under a tent! We missed being a part of your volunteer staff. I'm sure the tent wasn't the same without you! The nice thing is that there will be other opportunities in the future.

  2. that symbol is the federal coat of arms of germany. not so creepy if understood as such.

  3. hmmmm... still looks frighteningly reminiscent of Hitler days

    I'm glad I got to miss the miserable weather, even if I had to miss the fun too! Hopefully next year :)
