Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scared Scriptless Cast Member Bunking Down with Us

Well, more accurately, the Scared Scriptless Cast Member is now half of us... but John is bunking down at our house ;) That's right... John is the newest member of Scared Scriptless!! That's our local improv group that you might remember me talking about in my post from the summer.

On Thursday John saw a sign for Scared Scriptless' open audition. He attended the first audition on Saturday. They called late last night while we were at the movie (we saw RED--very funny)... John wouldn't leave to take the call because he figured it was bad news (or maybe he just didn't want to miss the movie). I, of course, couldn't think straight until I knew the outcome. They'd left a message and invited him to a call back today. He went to the call back... John found out tonight that he's been invited to be a 3 month cast member... after that time, they'll reevaluate. SOOO exciting!

We're going to watch this weekend's show and he'll start practice on Sunday. Hooray! Congratulations, John!!

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