Friday, October 1, 2010

From Arkansas- The Social Network

John's co-clerk Steve entered a contest to see an advanced screening of the film- The Social Network, a.k.a. The Facebook Movie.

Steve won! The representative from the contest called and said, "Congratulations, you're our winner from Arkansas!" ...apparently our state abbreviation of AK was a bit confusing.

However, once it was clarified that he was the winner for Alaska (Steve swears he must have been the only person to have entered the contest), he found out that he got an advanced private screening for 50 of his friends.

So... last night we went to see The Social Network. It was very good. The script was based on a book which was based on court transcripts, so it was an interesting way to have pieced the story together and the filming was quite excellent. I very much enjoyed it.


  1. it's hard not to like anything that aaron sorkin scripts or adapts for the small or silver screen.

    it's a weakness that runs through you, mom & i.

    that said, i look forward to seeing this film in about 3 weeks so i don't have to deal with all the college and high school kids running off to see it. curmudgeon and misanthrope that i am, it might make sense to either a) create the next facebook (in order to express this disdain for humans a la zuckerberg) or b) invest in a private home theater.

  2. ha, we watched it last night with Dad, Margo, the Grandparents and Brian. The theater wasn't too crowded probably because it was high school football night and a lot of college kids might have gone to October Fest. Anyway, we enjoyed it as well, great script!

  3. after watching it, i thought while it was quite good (mostly due to the script) it didn't really feel like a fincher film except for a handful of scenes with dim lighting.
    (list of films david fincher's films:

  4. Glad you enjoyed it (whether it was like a Fincher film or not--which I'm utterly unfamiliar with)!
