Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fire Island Yumminess

This bakery, Fire Island Bread, is nearby our house. It's very tasty. We've tried muffins, scones, and danishes... they've all been delicious, if not a bit pricey. If you visit us, we can take you there. (That's a bribe.)


  1. phew! they don't have cupcakes. i was almost completely unable to resist... i guess i'll just have to stay close to LGO and Sprinkles for my cupcake fix.

    you know, until i move away from az.

  2. It's really hot today I may get on a plane soon.

  3. Ohhh, look at the RASPBERRIES!!!! I'll be there is 27 days...late at night, so I want to go on the 29th for breakfast!

  4. Sandy, you're welcome to come... Mom said that it's over 110 today-- blech!! I'm wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt... it's beautiful!

    Mom, we can totally go there for breakfast... though I make some pretty awesome crepes too!

  5. Crepes on the weekend - Fire Island and Flat Stanley first!
