Monday, August 30, 2010

Exit Glacier

Yesterday we went to Exit Glacier. You hike up there and are able to get quite close.

Particularly interesting is the retreat of Exit Glacier. This article details it and the picture of the sign shows it. They were able to use tree dating to figure out where the glacier was prior to 1950... if you can't see the dates, you get the idea... the rings show it's retreat since the late 1800s/early 1900s. Glaciers also slide, so it's an interesting dynamic of both sliding and retreating.

Lots of Rest and Gus, Gus

Well, I woke up this morning feeling a bit better, but not well. Stayed home from school today and slept, and slept, and slept. I'm not great, but feel much better... and at least capable of teaching tomorrow.

Many of you know about the rescued kittens from the spring. Someone dumped a box of kittens at Sine School. The kittens had their nursing mother with them. They needed a home until they were weaned. Mina and Dodd allowed Belle, Figuero, Sebastian, Eve, and Gus, Gus to live with them, along with mama cat--Cleo. (Yep, it was a Disney theme.) Mina was able to find a good home for all of the kittens, but kept Gus, Gus and Cleo. Here are some "grown up" pics of the critters... Gus, Gus with Cleo; Gus, Gus with Allie the dog--look at that tail!; Gus, Gus with Jimmy. On the left is their kitten picture.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We also went to Exit Glacier, but I've got a nasty cold... so, I'm done with posting for now. I'll post those pictures later. Hope you all are well!

Around Seward

Kenai Fjords National Park is closest to the town of Seward. This is also where many cruise ships dock. Here are a few pictures from around there, including the one in front of the "love" sign. John wanted to take this photograph... apparently he loves us... go figure ;)

Kenai Fjords Tour

Mina, Dodd, John, and I went to Seward to visit the Kenai Fjords National Park. We took an 8 and a half hour tour, which included a stop for dinner at Fox Island. Unfortunately, it was rainy and overcast. Aside from that we were able to see lots of wildlife. My favorite were the Dall's Porpoises. We also saw Aialik Glacier. It calved a ton, which was AWESOME... like pieces of ice the size of a house falling into the water. Too cool!

Bear Rules Part 2

I know I covered the basic rules for bears before... but I think this just about covers it. This is a picture of a sign at Exit Glacier National Park. No joke.

Friday, August 27, 2010

No Thanks

So, there's this movie about a guy whose twin brother was a scientist, but then the brother dies and so the guy, whose an ex-marine, links up with this blue giant who has some of his brother's DNA and on a foreign planet he tries to save a clan of people with hunters and then he falls in love with a blue person and rides a dragon... GASP... long sentence ;)

Ok, really? That sounds TERRIBLE!!! This seems like the most ridiculous film ever. Like a Saturday morning cartoon that's canceled after 2 weeks. No thanks; I'll pass.

BUT, it's actually great!-- because, if you didn't catch the plot, it's Avatar. I had no desire to see the movie when it was released. I mean, blue giants and war???? No. However, it was re-released on IMAX 3D and we saw it tonight.

John and his parents, Mina and Dodd, had all seen it before. I hadn't. And, only John had seen it in 3D. We all went and really enjoyed it. It's so immersive. During the scene with the ashes, I actually swatted away a few ashes before I hopped back to reality... no ashes in the theater. Very, very good. Glad I took a "No Thank You helping".

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Remembering David Fees

My Aunt Tricia put together this wonderful video remembering my Uncle David.

I met him, but was quite young when he passed away. My mom said he loved me and loved seeing me.

I never realized Uncle David's birthday was so close to my own. What a special connection.

I have always admired him for pursuing his education through his Master's degree even knowing his life was short. That zest for life has always been something that I cherish about Uncle David.

Aunt Tricia, thank you for putting together this beautiful, if super tear-jerking (or really pouring) video.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Little Britches

Yesterday, "Mary" came over to me with Disney's Jungle Book.

"Miss Fees," Mary asked. "How do you pronounce this word?" She points out the part where Baloo calls Mowgli "Little Britches".

I told Mary how to pronounce it and that it referred to pants.

Mary's eyes got big and she said, "But Miss Fees, isn't that a really bad word?"

I'm thinking... pants? a bad word? OH... no, I clarified that the word was close, but different ;)


The other 4th grade teacher and I got the following email tonight... I'm such a praise monger. It's always nice to feel like you are doing well :) Wanted to share! I'm very proud of the kids and excited for the year ahead.

Your kids are wonderful in our cafeteria!!! Your high expectations are
paying off--I'm a firm believer that kids will work to achieve goals. I
have seen many of your kids receiving the Pride awards and turning them in.
Thanks for buying in to the program....and for recognizing success. Fourth
grade is a great place to be for kids!!!!!



So, yesterday my kids were little squirrels... compounded by (or perhaps an effect of) my having a migraine. I had this little inkling of dread that maybe the new had worn off and the yuck was shining through.

Alas, my kids were back to their sweet selves today :) I still have a few chatters, but they are just so nice. They earned 4 "puzzle pieces" today... the puzzle pieces are part of an incentive program for our school... basically the pieces are recognition of the kids' good behavior. The pieces have to come from other teachers or staff... so, it's not like I gave the kids the pieces. The kids even got the puzzle pieces for all being on task... I mean, when are ALL kids on task? --I always work for that; but, so often, you get one on task and the others get off. For a long time I've taught like I was supposed to-- but kids didn't always follow suit. Now, they do :) What a joy!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Feeling Old.. Great Intermediate Grade Kids' Books

I started poking around looking for great books for 4th graders. I could only remember Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Bunicula, and Super Fudge... the grades in elementary school all kind of blur together. When I found a listing of 4th grade books, I discovered that all my favorites were CLASSICS!!! When did that happen? I swear I'm not that old!!

Anyway, I decided to write a proposal on Donor's Choose for books. You can see it if you click here ;) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

In the meantime, if you have any "old" books that you'd be willing to part with, please let me know. I'm sure I can find a way to get them here.

Keep on readin'!

(Oh, by the way, my name and school information on the Donor's Choose site is only available if I give you that link. Random strangers can't find me that way... just in case you were worried.)


My kids were a little more wily today. However, I facilitated just 1 "step" (consequence). When I went to speak with the student, her eyes were all red. I told her it was okay and that everyone makes mistakes... that's when the GIANT tears came rolling down her cheeks. Guess they still care after all!

Name in Lights

Uncle John was on a Fox Business segment talking about his company's tuition insurance product. It's very cool to see your uncle on TV :)

See Uncle John on TV

Monday, August 23, 2010

Games and Behavior Issues

Today went really well.

We played a "game," which was used to preview the math book. I would ask the students to find something... like the table of contents or the index, or something using the index, etc. All the students in the group would have to find it and then raise their hands. This barely qualifies as a game... the group that found the page first got "points," but the points didn't count toward anything. At any rate, the kids LOVED it... how great!!! I don't know how I lucked out, but I did.

My kids are so nice... please, oh please, let this continue. My big behavior issue today was a student talking while I was talking. To which, I said: "Rusty, (again, not actually Rusty) what ARE you doing? What's going on." He looked utterly stricken... "I'm so, so sorry," he said.

Can't really ask for anything better. Keep me in your thoughts that the kids continue to behave like this!! It is so wonderful.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ice Road Truckers Series 3 - Avalanche Alley

John and I were watching this season of Ice Road Truckers when they were showing this avalanche gun. The gun was apparently originally invented to start avalanches and flood enemies with snow. Now, the Department of Transportation uses it to cause unstable snow to avalanche while it's safe (and people are out of the way).

This video is not what we watched, but one from a previous season. It's still interesting, but not as visually stunning (the one we watched, you could see the snow cascading).

Anyway, this is the haul road north of Fairbanks and NOWHERE close to anywhere we'd be. Not to worry... it was just interesting.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Other Guys

John and I went and saw The Other Guys. It was cute, and we both got a good laugh. I mean, this isn't an Academy Award contender, but a fun, silly film.

That said, this film is a. product placement treasure trove, as this article indicates. And, I thought, it would have been really fun to have a BINGO card for all of the products... so I made one. The next time I see it I'm totally playing this!!! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kenai Awesomeness

Jimmy wrapped up his vacation with his and John's trip to Seward and the Kenai Fjords. They took a tour of Kenai Fjords National Park by boat and saw LOTS of critters. Can't wait to go myself!! For now, I'll live vicariously through the pictures... you too??

John and Jimmy in Denali

Here are some photos of John and Jimmy in Denali. (They went earlier this week.) Unfortunately, the weather was terrible, so many of their views were occluded.


Well, that's it for my first week.

My kids are very kind and eager to please. I hope my classroom community continues to be warm. It should be an excellent garden for educational growth.

Here's hoping :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Little Nuts

So, this afternoon I called over a charming, but hyper student. "Steve (let's pretend his name is Steve), why do you think you're driving me a little nuts right now?" I asked.

Steve thought for just a second before saying. "I'm not driving you nuts; I took my medicine this morning."

I said, "Steve, I know that you took your medicine, but what might you be doing that's driving me a bit bonkers?"

He said. "Nope. I'm not. I took my medicine this morning, and yesterday, and I have to take it tomorrow too."

Sigh ;)

"Okay, but Steve, how many times since we've been back from P.E. have you gotten out of your seat without asking?"

The wheels are turning. "Three?" He holds up his fingers to be more convincing.

"Six, Steve... six. Look, I'm not mad and you aren't in trouble, but I need you to stay in your seat, okay?"

Hmmm... "Okay, yeah." and off he bounded.

Sweet, sweet kid... just a bit, um, hyper ;)

We'll See... Staying Organized

I'm sooo terrible about staying organized. BUT, so far, I've been doing really well... yep, just 2 days... but, I have been putting every days extra hand outs on a clipboard with the day on it. I'll throw out extras after a week, when I put the next set of handouts on the clipboard. (I've filed a set in a binder too.)

So far, so good

One more day to go this week; but, so far, so good. The kids are great, and I'm getting back into the swing of things.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And LATE last night...

I finally finished at about 11:10pm. I went home and conked out. This was the way the room looked when the kids came in today :)

And the room last night...

This was the room at 5:20pm yesterday night... not that much better than at 8:30am. (I was in meetings for most of the day.) At this time, I went home for a break... nap and dinner.