Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out the Window

Looking out our living room windows, I've found 2 cool things...

Out one window is a beautiful spider web... like the kind we think of when we're kids... SOME PIG- style. Mom found it and it's sustained itself despite the rain (which is what's spotting the window).

Out the other window are BERRIES!!! They're not yet ripe, as you can see. Several of our neighbors have wild raspberries in their yard that are just starting to ripen. I'm optimistic that ours will ripen soon as well. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the spider has done even more spinning than when I was there. I wonder if "Charlotte" will have babies.

    You didn't mention that you picked strawberries from a vine just off the sidewalk. I'd suggest that next time you wash them, though. There are a LOT of dogs that walk those routes. Hmmm.
