Friday, August 13, 2010

One Day Down...

I was able to work in my room and acquire various curriculum today. Still have a LONG way to go, but am optimistic.

My principal and I were able to meet today to discuss instruction. I feel like we're on the same page, so I'm optimistic about this year. (She also checked in on me often and offered to help, which I appreciated.)

John came in and helped today. He helped me with all the bulletin boards... AND brought me Fire Island Bakery stuff... mmmm. John's been super sweet and that's helping a lot.

Mom made passes and a new door sign for me. (My mom made my old passes, which were super cute... BUT had my old room number.) The passes are pictured here... these are cool 4th grade lanyards with skateboards... we're the cool kids ;) These are coming express mail... so they'll be here soon! I can hardly wait.

Grams cut out over 100 paper ice cream scoops for our: You're so sweet! Our class' good deeds board. Mom sent these and they arrived today... Thanks to both Grams and Mom.

So, it's coming along...

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