Monday, August 2, 2010


UPDATE, as of 8/2, 10:35pm: I emailed the Kindergarten teacher to apologize. He said he didn't have the zone errors. Phew! I'll have to hear the story later. My guess is that our head of maintenance discovered this when he was cleaning the windows... a MUCH better scenario!!

One of the nicest things about my school is that we all have security codes that allow us to enter the building on the evening or weekend. (This might not seem like a great thing; but, it's nice to be able to stop by the school whenever.)

This past weekend, my mom and I finished up the room on Sunday. This was great because we were able to spend Saturday hanging out with John and finish on Sunday when John was working.

Hmmm... I got an email this morning though from my principal. It was very nicely worded, but told me to make sure my windows were closed if I came on the weekend.

Apparently, I didn't properly latch my classroom window when I left yesterday. Here's the scenario I could work out: Brian the Kindergarten teacher left after us and when he went to set the alarm, he saw a "zone fault". He probably worked his way through the entire school making sure all the doors were shut. But the zone fault wouldn't have gone away, since it wasn't the doors. My guess is that he either had to call the Principal or the Secretary or the security... then they'd go into every room in that wing to check the windows. When they found mine (because it was closed, just not locked properly), they would have closed it and THEN they could leave. Yikes. I apologized profusely, and my Principal said it happens occasionally. I still feel badly.

It speaks to the larger "bad luck" phenomenon that's been occurring since I arrived. I have had difficulty with the laminator FOUR TIMES... ruining film and/or my signage. So IRRITATING. I've had the toilet not flush (not like it was clogged, but that the flushing mechanism wouldn't work)... the Vice Principal had to help and it flushed immediately. (To be fair, they had to call out district maintenance... but SERIOUSLY.) I can't remember what else, but all stupid stuff that was DUHH.

I swear I was smarter in Arizona.

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