Monday, August 23, 2010

Games and Behavior Issues

Today went really well.

We played a "game," which was used to preview the math book. I would ask the students to find something... like the table of contents or the index, or something using the index, etc. All the students in the group would have to find it and then raise their hands. This barely qualifies as a game... the group that found the page first got "points," but the points didn't count toward anything. At any rate, the kids LOVED it... how great!!! I don't know how I lucked out, but I did.

My kids are so nice... please, oh please, let this continue. My big behavior issue today was a student talking while I was talking. To which, I said: "Rusty, (again, not actually Rusty) what ARE you doing? What's going on." He looked utterly stricken... "I'm so, so sorry," he said.

Can't really ask for anything better. Keep me in your thoughts that the kids continue to behave like this!! It is so wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly deserve a good year. Classes like this one are why teachers continue to teach! Please, oh please, oh please Classroom Angels, keep this going!
