Thursday, August 26, 2010

Remembering David Fees

My Aunt Tricia put together this wonderful video remembering my Uncle David.

I met him, but was quite young when he passed away. My mom said he loved me and loved seeing me.

I never realized Uncle David's birthday was so close to my own. What a special connection.

I have always admired him for pursuing his education through his Master's degree even knowing his life was short. That zest for life has always been something that I cherish about Uncle David.

Aunt Tricia, thank you for putting together this beautiful, if super tear-jerking (or really pouring) video.


  1. What a lovely tribute to such a bright soul!

    Over the years quite a number of people have made a point to tell me that they knew David, and to tell me that they admired his spirit. That spirit was so evident when he was at UofA. I remember visiting him there and seeing all the challenges he faced, and loving him all the more for his bright smile and determined attitude. I feel honored to have known him, and grateful to Tricia for reminding me.
