Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Party, Baseball, and Shopping

Tonight I met up with Jeannette and several other coworkers to celebrate Jeannette's birthday. We went to Simon and Seafort's for cocktails.

Jeannette, one of the other 2nd grade teachers, also studied sociology... I wanted to get her Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short stories and Margaret Atwood's Pennelopiad. I couldn't find them!! I eventually found them at a used book store called "Title Wave". Although I'd have preferred to get new books as a gift, I was excited to find this store. I mean, first, it has a pun-tastic name, but also Title Wave is a bit like Changing Hands meets Bookman's, which was fun. Weird to have so much trouble and so few choices relative to buying books.

Then, John met us, which allowed him to meet my co-workers. He picked me up and we joined Avril and Brian to go to the season closer of the Bucs minor league baseball game. The game was played in Mulchay Stadium... it was very cool... kind of a flash back in time... maybe like a scaled down version of the League of Their Own stadium. Anyway, we all had fun.

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