Friday, July 16, 2010

Alaska Chic

When I was in middle school, Phantom of the Opera came to Gammage. I remember getting all dressed up in my fancy dress; Kyle and Dad wore tuxes... albeit that was a special black tie event fundraiser. But, I definitely remember the formality of theater-going. I think this has diminished somewhat over the last several years; however, in general, attending the theater is special and people dress accordingly.

When I went to the Anchorage Concert Association to order our tickets, I thought I better ask what people wear to the theater... I'd hate to go and be under-dressed. The woman laughed. She said, everything in Anchorage is "Alaska Chic". She said there would be someone in galoshes and flannel next to someone in a ball gown with a mink coat. Essentially, the rule is-- wear whatever you want.

It's fantastic!

Last summer we went to The Grove in L.A. We were just getting dinner; so, I didn't give any thought to the fact that I was wearing a t-shirt (Threadless--so, fashionable) and jeans. Oh-ho-ho... not in L.A. Everyone stared at me (and I didn't have toilet paper stuck to my shoe). It was weird and unnecessary.

In Alaska, as in Arizona, jeans and a t-shirt are fine in 85% of the cases. In Arizona, something more might be required. In Alaska, nothing will be required... it's just too cold to go naked. So, wear your sweatpants, overalls, socks with sandals... anything goes when you're in the wilder wester.

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