Friday, July 9, 2010

Critter Connection

Nelson and Hayden are super unsure of one another... but seem to be adjusting. Earlier she fell asleep on one side of my club chair and Nelson on the other. I'm hopeful :)

We don't know a whole lot about Hayden. We do know she was abandoned by her previous owners. John and I have observed her being both clingy and quaking... typically at the same time. She doesn't seem too fond of water or loud noises. We're pleased by her overall demeanor and eagerness to please. Hopefully with a little love, she'll be able to settle down soon.


  1. Hi..
    Cute dog Lindsey! I'm sure once she gets comfortable and used to her surroundings she'll be a great companion for you. I know since your Dad travels so much Coco has become part of the family. They have a way of winning your heart.
    It should be fun to take her out as you explore the outdoor trails. Enjoy!

  2. linds--if you have more dog problems, this woman seems to communicate over the phone with them...

  3. It would be fun from an entertainment perspective to see what the "communicator" has to say!

  4. the communicator, we have found out, can talk to animals who have passed and tell you how they're doing. the communicator can also tell you your dog's last wishes for its funeral or ashes, etc.

  5. Are pets terribly familiar with their funeral options? Is it a "per pet" fee? It's seems to me some people (Mom) could get a lot more bang for their buck if it is NOT per pet?? :)
