Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mmmm... Frostbite

Tonight we got dinner at Snow Goose Brewery. I had 2 drinks... that's more than all it took ;) --I wasn't driving, though-- The first drink was a screwdriver (vodka and orange juice) and Goose Juice was the 2nd (which is vodka, cranberry triple sec, pineapple juice, and orange juice)... both very tasty. But, that's not really worth writing about... what is worth writing about is the Frost Bite Vodka, which is the Brewery's well vodka and what my drinks were made with... this vodka is made with local grain, local water, and local glacier ice. How local of me!! Anyway, here's the article about this vodka's recent popularity. I can vouch for its deliciousness... that is, I couldn't taste it ;)


  1. i love vodka, but seldom drink it. i'll have to go to total wine to see if they carry this one.

  2. Yeah-- let me know if they do... I'll be surprised if they do though... you might have to just come to AK to get it :)

  3. I certainly hope this is the ONLY type of frostbite you get!

  4. I think if I don't wear canvas shoes in the snow that will help A LOT.
