Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Better than Getting Frostbite... Permafrost!

Okay, so on the vodka front... I was at Costco today (Does anyone know why they changed their name from Price Club?) and thought I'd see if they had the Frostbite Vodka. They didn't. They did however have Permafrost, which is the Alaska Distillery's higher end vodka. Yikes! 750mL (is that a handle?) sold for over $30 (the non-Costco price is supposed to be about $50)... which was more than the Ketel One.

Now I was more going to get it for the novelty, so didn't see any reason to buy it. But, I was curious to see where I could get the Frostbite Vodka, since that's what I had tasted. I emailed the "info" email address earlier today to ask where it was vended... and I got a response from the President, which I think is pretty cool :)

On another note, I have been surprised to see the way alcohol is sold here... You can't buy it with your groceries. You either go into a separate section of the store (with a separate cash register) or a liquor store. Kind of odd, but understandable for a place that has a vested interest in restricting alcohol consumption.

And, just in case anyone is worrying about my alcohol consumption, I want to let you know that this fascination with the vodka is more intellectual than palate-oriented. (I think I've had 4 drinks since I've been here. We don't have alcohol in the house either.) Just didn't want anyone fretting ;)

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