Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lindsey and the Terrible, Irritating, No Good, Not Great Night

Do you remember Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?

If you don't, here's the plot-- from Wikipedia--
From the moment he wa
kes up with gum in his hair, things just do not go Alexander's way. Getting out of bed, he trips on a skateboard and drops his sweater into a sink full of water. At breakfast, Alexander's brothers Nick and Anthony reach into their cereal boxes and pull out amazing prizes, while all Alexander ends up with is cereal.

On the way to school, he doesn't get the window seat in the carpool. At school,
his teacher doesn't like his drawing of an invisible castle (which is actually just a blank sheet of paper) and criticizes him for singing too loud and leaving out 16. His friend Paul reduces Alexander to third best friend and there is no dessert in his lunch.

The dentist tells Alexander he has a cavity, the elevator door hurts his foot, Anthony pushes him into the mud, Nick calls him a crybaby for crying, and Mom catches him in the act of punching Nick.

At the shoe store, they're sold out of Alexander's choice of sneakers (blue ones with red stripes), so Mom has to buy him plain white sneakers, which he'll refuse to wear.

At Dad's office, Alexander makes a mess of things when he fools around with everything there (the copying machine, the books, and the telephone) getting to the point where Dad tells him not to pick him up from work anymore.

At home, Alexander's bad day is far from over. The family has lima beans for dinner (which he hates), there is kissing on TV (which he also hates), bath time becomes a nightmare (too hot water, soap in the eyes, and losing a marble down the drain) and he has to wear his railroad train pajamas (he hates his railroad train pajamas). At bedtime, Alexander's nightlight burns out, he bites his tongue, Nick takes back a pillow, and the family cat chooses to sleep with Anthony. No wonder Alexander wants to move to Australia.

The book ends with his mother's assurance that everyone has bad days, even people who live in Australia.

I remember reading this in 4th grade. Mrs. Timpone had us write our own version. I think in my 4th grade version I wrote about my brother punching me in the eye, and I broke my arm, and ate yucky food, and got a bad grade.

So, I guess, if I compare it to either of those stories, last night wasn't so "Terrible, Horrible"... but it was definitely "Terrible, Irritating, No Good, Not Great".

So it began...

I was switching out Hayden's kennel towel as I was crating her, when I noticed she'd had an accident some time previous. And started a load of laundry.

John and I had just fallen asleep when Nelson came in the room yowling. He doesn't normally yowl... we both sat up, Nelson jumped on the bed and then he projectile vomited all over the duvet cover. He then jumped down. We followed to check on him. When I came back to take care of the duvet cover, I noticed that it was soaked through... the duvet cover, the duvet, and the sheets. Yuck! So, then I'm wide awake... worried about Nelson and with a sheet-less bed. So, we had to make the bed. And, I couldn't stand the thought of our bedding sitting there... so, in the middle of the night, I proceeded to do 3 loads of laundry. (Nelson seems fine now incidentally.)

While I was waiting, I started reading... oh, but then my book was sad... it was midnight and I'm crying.

Then, from the other room, I heard a loud sharp clatter. I checked the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the laundry room... nothing.

I go back to reading and laundering. I'm finally ready to go back to bed. I go into the bathroom to find a picture frame shattered on the floor. So, then that has to be cleaned up too.

At 5:30am, Nelson comes in to wake me up for breakfast! Ugh... just let me sleep!!!

So, now I'm going back to sleep... I'm sure tonight will be better... right?


  1. Hopefully today will be better!

  2. What a crazy night! The exact sequence hasn't ever happened to me, but I've definitely been in a similar mental situation before.

    To Nelson: I hope you don't ever vomit again, if you absolutely necessarily have to, try doing it in the bathroom...

  3. Only one thing to say... thank goodness it was just Nelson and not a 2 year old kid.. sick for days. Hee Hee.. Sorry about your night..
