Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yesterday apparently there was an earthquake. John and I were at dinner. It was apparently a 5.0 near us. It felt like someone was walking heavily. Since our waiter was approaching, we figured it was just stomping... hmmmm, I guess it's good it wasn't scary.


  1. Linds, you get lots of earthquakes everyday. See this USGS list for the Alaska region:

    But the one yesterday was not only a decent size (5.0) but only 50 miles from Anchorage. Not surprising you felt that.

    Don't feel bad about being in earthquake country--California was just about as bad (and had a 5.4 yesterday)

  2. Mom emailed to ask if I'd felt the earthquake. I started to reply that I hadn't, but the I remembered the "stomping". When I looked on the USGS website, I realized that that was indeed what we'd felt.

  3. Hi Lindsey,
    Just wanted you to know I've been reading your blogs but sometimes don't have the time to comment. Sounds like you have been out and about doing lots of fun stuff. When does school start? How many kids will you have? What times do the kids go? Thanks for all the fun stories you write. We miss you!
    Love, Margo

  4. Thanks Margo! I'm glad you're reading... and it's okay if you don't always have time to comment :) I go back to work on the 12th of August. The kids come back the next Wednesday (the 18th)... so the first week is only a partial week, which is nice. School will start at 9am and get out at 3:30pm, which will be a nice change from school starting at 7:45am! I think I will have about 20 kids in my class.
