Monday, July 19, 2010

Boo... Talk!

I think people are either:

A. tired of my blog

B. bored (kind of like A, but with less fatigue)

C. busy (hey, it could happen)

D. unmotivated

You all have stopped, as a whole, commenting as much. When you don't comment, blogging is kind of like talking to your dog during a walk... it starts off fine, but then you're thinking-- people are staring, why am I doing this? Who am I talking too?

So, in case you are not commenting because of "D. unmotivated", I'm doubling the Alaska Points for each post... so bring on the comments!


  1. your #1 commenter has been busy. sorry. but it happens. (don't give points for this)

  2. You are allowed to be busy. It does happen and you may collect points ;)

  3. by the way (again no points for talking about the thread instead of real comments), although posts on the weekend are great, i imagine your comments and probably traffic on these days are generally and significantly lower than weekday posts. you may want to save publishing them until the weekdays (especially if you're going to update a bunch). just an idea.

  4. You're probably right... but I only posted 3 over the weekend.

  5. yeah, and that doesn't explain why the commenting on friday is low. but, maybe there's a 2 day lag for talk on here (the sunday comment didn't really blow up until late monday/this morning). maybe friday's lag was weekend time. dunno.

  6. Lindsey, I love your Blog and you are such a great writer and make it so interesting. I just feel anything I write is really BLAH! so don't quit Blogging.

  7. Hello Lindsey! This is my first time commenting, even though I have read all your posts. I guess I'm the biggest loser since I never even posted one comment. Oh well, at least I'm the winner of the losers. Ha! Keep on truck'in I love all your posts. Looking forward to the next post...


  8. Wanda and LaNette, I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts :) I'll keep it up! I do love hearing from you both though... it's not blah at all.

  9. When it comes to blog, I think people read actively and comment passively in general, and most of them only comment when it's personalized information for them, not necessarily for the writer. If there's a widget to show "# people read this post" next to "# comments", maybe it'd make you feel better.

    BTW, life is blah most of the time anyway, nothing wrong with it.
