Sunday, July 11, 2010


Here are some new pictures of Hayden and 2 of Nelson (who had crawled inside a plastic zippered comforter bag).

Enjoy :) Both pets are d
oing great!


  1. AHHHHH! Spoke too soon... John and I went up to Girdwood for dinner and came home to destruct-o-puppy!!!! She chewed up 1 shoe from 3 different pairs of shoes and bit into 2 different bottles of vitamins, scattering them all over the bed. Ugh. Kennel training it is.

  2. call me again re: kennel training. we should talk re: "timeouts." very important the dog doesn't believe it's a punishment area or hayden might think she's being punished every time you leave.

  3. We won't use it as a time out.

  4. In these pictures Hayden looks like she thinks you're mad at her - well, except the one where she's on her back. Were they taken after she ate your shoes?

  5. Nelson - ever the Adventure Kitty. When you were gone, and he was at our house, his favorite thing to do was to climb in and out of the empty boxes. If I changed their configuration he thought he had a whole new playground!

  6. linds, it's a great time out area; it just has to be used correctly.

    it's taro's calm down box & sleepy time box. something like that. that's why i wanted to talk about it.

  7. These were pre-shoe eating... that's her "adopt me" face ;)
